I went at the 3 o’clock visiting hour, and Colin had not yet gone for his trachy replacement. I could see that he was a little down, perhaps nervous about the replacement, but he was ok in general.
He ate a yoghurt, but wanted something savoury. He says they are still not really letting him eat, so I think he is also wanting to get at least that back to normal as soon as possible.
I just called the ICU and they are going to do the trachy tomorrow – the one part is not there yet. Someone did go fetch it from Midrand (apparently before 3), but the traffic was awful due to the rain.
Todays I am grateful for the Internet, new friends, and being able to research things. I wish this part was over, and he was already at Rehab, and the next 3 says going to the hospital for the last few visits will be tough. I am tired again today, and need to just relax a bit. I am sad that I can’t stay by Colin’s side all night and sleep there with him, but I think I am just being grumpy. Tomorrow I will be happy and start again. Today was a pooh day.
Going to go get some sleep, and some exercise tomorrow morning, and it will be a great day. See you all on the flip side.
There will be good days and bad days … Tomorrow will be a good day ???
Love and Hugs xxx
Hallo Janice
I just read your 2 blogs. Wow you are such a strong person. It will also help Colin. Glad to hear that the trachy replacement will be tomorrow. You stay in my prayers. Hang in there only 3 more horrible days and then rehab.
Everything of the best.