OK, new update.
I just phoned to see if he was ok etc, but he didn’t have the op as scheduled.
First of all they said he wasn’t there, then they said he was late and didn’t have the op, and then they said he was in another ward, and then they said he didn’t have it because he had had blood thinners. He was there at 1pm because I had had some difficulty with the fact that they said he h ad not come with some things he needed and I was going to have to go to the rehab to collect some things and then take them to Milpark, and round and round we went.
Milpark says he has to come back to rehab tonight, and I am at my wit’s end. I just don’t know what to do. I called the rehab and they have asked me to call back in 10 minutes.
I left today before he went to Miklpark because I needed to do some urgent admin for the medical aid and various other things, and I feel so helpless. It cannot be that I am the only one who can make sure these things run smoothly, and I cannot be the only one who ever has to solve these problems.
I am really grumpy now, and crying tired again. I can’t even go to sleep because I need to know what is happening.
It really is just so difficult not being able to be with him and help him.
I wish I could wake up from this nightmare and it would all be as it was before.
I have been reading your blog and the journey that both you and Colin are on. I needed to take a moment today to comment on our strength and the courage that you have. You have such a beautiful, kind, caring and determined heart. The value that you add to your husbands life and the countless others that have been touched by you is evident in how you write and how you fight for those that you love. Please know that there are people across the world that are listening to your musings and thinking and caring deeply for you.