Today I finally managed to speak to a Doctor. Here is our good news for the day (and I haven’t even been to see him yet):
They will fit the other trachy tomorrow and this will help him to start to learn to speak again.
He is eating proper food (well, sort of sludgy stuff, but we are getting there).
He will most likely go to the rehab centre on Monday.
I will be able to visit him for as long as I like between 10am and 8pm.
I will get training on how to be a carer.
They will answer all of my questions.
They will sort of finalise his assessments of where we are and what has returned and what is likely not to this week before he goes, and then they will assess him again more fully at the Rehab Centre. I will post details on where it is as soon as I know.
Today I am grateful for progress, time-lines, and information.
Yaaaaay Colin. One step closer to coming home. <3
The miracles are growing bigger …….
Love and hugs xxx